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Split! Restorative Cleaner (Purple label)


  • Q – Can you provide recommended dilution rations for the Restorative Cleaner?

  • A – Here it is!











  • Q – I have used the Restorative Cleaner in the restrooms and I think I removed all the residue and soil that was on the floor and in the grouts.  The floor looks great and the grouts look like they are back to the original color. I am now cleaning daily with Split! and I am seeing a white film or some salt like residue left after the floor dries. Why?

  • A – This is caused by some left over residue. What you are seeing is Split! removing more residue, and then the residue drying on the floor because you didn’t mop it all up. The test is to scrub the floor with the Restorative Cleaner. If you are getting some foam/suds, there is still detergent residue left on the floor. You need to finish the job and remove all. Once you have a residue free floor, you will not experience a residue problem again as long you continue to use Split!. At that point, switch to cleaning with Split! Non-Detergent Cleaner using it at 2 to 4 ounces per gallon.



  • Q – I am amazed by how many cleaning problems are solved by using Split! Restorative. I was recommended to switch to the Green product for hard surfaces and the Blue product for carpet once I have restored any areas needing restoration. I realize there is a cost savings switching to Green and Blue, but there is an ease of use and simplicity for training and stocking if we use Purple for everything. Can we do this successfully?

  • A – This is the one question we get asked the most. Above, are dilution ratios spelling out how to use Split! Restorative Cleaner as a daily product. I clearly understand the want to use a one product solution for all your cleaning. Experiment with very low dilution ratios such as 2 oz per gallon in a mop bucket for low soil loads on floors and hard surfaces. You will have great success as long as your staff understands for daily cleaning, more isn’t necessarily better.



  • Q – I want to use Split! Restorative to replace my truck mount carpet cleaning solution we use. Right now, we use a combination of a higher pH product for cleaning or an enzyme-based product for food and pet stains. Many times, we use a brush and pressure system to agitate.  We then acid rinse after the cleaning.  How will we use Split! with our present system?

  • A – You would use Split! as a pre-spray and put water in your tank to pressure clean and extract. Continue to use the brush-pressure system, because Split! will need agitation to obtain the best results. You will not need to acid rinse. Make sure you extract as much as possible to realize best dry times and soil removal.



  • Q - I noticed in the SDS for the Restorative Cleaner that is contains phosphoric acid. Can you explain?

  • A - Yes. The phosphoric acid you are seeing is not added to the product. It is the result of the manufacturing process. The pH is actually alkaline for the Restorative Cleaner, and slightly alkaline to neutral for Non-Detergent and Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner in all of their concentrated forms.



  • Q - What types of carpet and carpet types can I use safely with the Restorative Cleaner.

  • ASplit! Restorative can be used on mostly all nylon based and synthetic based carpets, mats and upholstery. Always test the carpet or fiber first if you are not positive about that particular carpet etc. Do not use Split! Restorative Cleaner on wool and other natural fibers. Use instead, Split! Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner (Blue Label) for wool and natural fiber.

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